I've always been a big fan of the Morrissey bar on Vancouver's Granville strip. It's one of the few standards in Vancouver where you are guaranteed good britpop and post-punk tracks and a clean pint of yummy Guinness. I figure I've spent enough time in there over the years to earn the right to poltergeist the place after I die. I'm going to be the residual psychokinetic manifestation that makes the Strongbow go flat - no matter how fresh it is.
Recently the Morrissey has done some redecorating by adding houndstooth to the booths. This mistake will cost them in clean-up fees. Take it from me... at about 4 pints in and that houndstooth shit undulates like a carpet of maggots. M & J sent me this photo of an innocent victim of this houndstooth nausea. I've gone through great lengths to hide the victim's identity so as not to have her castigated next time she visits the otherwise reasonably cool bar. Shame on you Morrissey! Shame on you for adding to the houndstooth nightmare that is my life and leaving me with nothing but painful memories of what once was. From now on I drink my Guinness from a can. Or at the Irish Heather.
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